
Alumni Association plays an important role in awaking the students about opportunities available in the market. When the students will remain in contact with the institute, they can create capacity for other student going behind them. It helps to overcome unemployment from society.

When the students pass out from their concern institute and occupy the vacancies in market, they can realize their frail areas of personality and then can inform the institute. They can also arrange some steps to prepare students according to the need of society as well as desire of individual too. The students are provided with the information that where the chances are available with respect to their particular field and where the specialization is offered to their concerned areas. Alumni association is also responsible to arrange such kinds of activities and programs through which the students can keep in touch with their institution even after the completion of their studies. They get benefits from university and play effective role for the upbringing of the Institute.

Alumni association advances the Institute and enrich the lives of their students and alumni in many ways. This framework offers a comprehensive view of the field of alumni relations and positions the alumni association as an integral part of the overall advancement of the institution. Alumni relations must be the natural, symbiotic partner of the president, development, academic affairs, communications, student affairs, athletics, government relations, admissions, continuing education and career services. Alumni programs should make substantive and measurable contributions to the educational enterprise. These contributions need to be tied to the institution’s vision, mission and strategic plan.

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