"To create a collaborative academic environment to foster professional excellence and ethical values"
- To develop outstanding professionals with high ethical standards capable of creating and managing global enterprises
- To foster innovation and research by providing a stimulating learning environment
- To ensure equitable development of students of all ability levels and backgrounds
- To be responsive to changes in technology, socio-economic and environmental conditions
- To foster and maintain mutually beneficial partnerships with alumni and industry
- To develop infrastructure appropriate for delivering quality education.
- To develop the overall personality of students who will be innovators and future leaders capable of prospering in their working environment.
- To inculcate ethical standards and make students aware of their social responsibilities.
- Promote close interaction among industry, faculty and students to enrich the learning process and enhance career opportunities.
- Encourage faculty in the continuous professional growth through quality enhancement programs and research and development activities.
- Foster a healthy work environment which allows for freedom of expression and protection of the rights of all stakeholders through open channels of communication.
- Developing quality human resources possessing soft and technical skills and amenable to team working, requiring minimum or no training period, in the areas high National/ International demands.
- Augment human and physical resources for developing strong Industry-Institute and R & D Organization-Institute interaction to encourage bilateral sharing of skills and knowledge.
- Offering Post-Graduate programs to promote careers of potential teachers.
- Promoting research activities for R& D cell.
- Becoming an autonomous Institute.
- Becoming eligible for collaboration with Foreign Universities and renowned Industrial houses.
- Becoming excellent centre in the fields of Electronics and Telecommunication, Computer Engineering, Information Technology, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering and eventually achieve the Deemed University status.