
Title: Poster Presentation Competition

{"Period":{"startDate":"2023-05-16","endDate":null},"Location":{"title":"","latlong":[]},"Amount":{"currency":"INR","amount":"0"}} ,

Activity: CSI Student Chapter of Modern College of Engineering, Pune – 05, has organized a “Poster Presentation Competition 2023” for TE Students. Student got open platform to present their Mini project Poster presentation skill, they got guidelines and assessment of project by Faculty Member

Title: Session on “GitHub”

{"Period":{"startDate":"2023-05-04","endDate":null},"Location":{"title":"Thursday","latlong":[]},"Amount":{"currency":"INR","amount":"0"}} , Thursday

Activity: Industry Guest Lecture on “GitHub” has organized by Department of Computer Engineering, PES’s MCOE, Pune in association with CSI Student Chapter. The session was attended by 28 students from SE Computer Engineering Department. In this session Parth has explain how to create GitHub account and how to make changes to a file and push them to GitHub as commits

Title: National Level Project Competition “ASPIRE 2K23”.

{"Period":{"startDate":"2023-04-29","endDate":""},"Location":{"title":"Saturday","latlong":[]},"Amount":{"currency":"INR","amount":"0"}} , Saturday

Activity: CSI Student Chapter of Modern College of Engineering, Pune – 05, has organized a Nation Level Project Competition “ASPIRE 2K23” for all UG students. Student got open platform to present their project and presentation skill, they got guidelines and assessment of project by industry personnel. 48 project group from different colleges participants in ASPIRE National Level Project Competition.

Title: Session on “Deep Dive in CNN & RNN”

{"Period":{"startDate":"2023-04-26","endDate":""},"Location":{"title":"Wednesday","latlong":[]},"Amount":{"currency":"INR","amount":"0"}} , Wednesday

Activity: Industry Guest Lecture on “Deep Dive in CNN & RNN” has organized by Department of Computer Engineering, PES’s MCOE, Pune in association with CSI Student Chapter. The session was attended by 60+ students from BE Computer Engineering Department. In this session speaker has explain how to be implemented CNN and RNN networks using colab platform. Mam briefly explained & demonstrated DL libraries like scikit-learn, Keras, corenlp etc.

Title: Industry Guest session on “Advanced Machine Learning Algorithms and Artificial Neural Networks”

{"Period":{"startDate":"2022-09-24","endDate":""},"Location":{"title":"Saturday","latlong":[]},"Amount":{"currency":"INR","amount":"0"}} , Saturday

Activity: Industry Guest Lecture on “Machine Learning and Artificial Neural Networks” has organized by Department of Computer Engineering, PES’s MCOE, Pune in association with CSI Student Chapter. The session was attended by 100+ students from BE Computer Engineering Department. In This Session Speaker has introduced different machine learning paradigms and introduction to Artificial Neural Networks. Sir briefly explained representative algorithms and demonstrated how to use them in industry practice. Sir also demonstrated ML and ANN libraries like scikit-learn, Keras, corenlp etc.

Title: Industry Guest session on CNS-Subnetting IPV$, IPV6

{"Period":{"startDate":"2022-09-22","endDate":null},"Location":{"title":"Thursday","latlong":[]},"Amount":{"currency":"INR","amount":"0"}} , Thursday

Activity: Industry Guest Lecture on “CNS-Subnetting, IPV4, IPV6” has organized by Department of Computer Engineering, PES’s MCOE, Pune in association with CSI Student Chapter. The session was attended by 100+ students from BE Computer Engineering Department. In This Session Speaker has introduced different concept of computer network and explain the difference between IPV4 and IPV6. Sir briefly explained representative concept of CNS and OSI Model

Title: Session on “Choosing Career and Placement based on your Goals”

{"Period":{"startDate":"2022-09-20","endDate":null},"Location":{"title":"Monday","latlong":[]},"Amount":{"currency":"INR","amount":"0"}} , Monday

Activity: Industry Guest Lecture on “Choosing Career and Placement based on your Goals” has organized by Department of Computer Engineering, PES’s MCOE, Pune in association with CSI Student Chapter. The session was attended by 60+ students from SE Computer Engineering Department. In This Session Speaker has explain how to identify career goals and prepare for placements. Sir briefly explained perspectives of Career, and how to achieve it with hard work and explained Career Planning Process.


ASPIRE 2K22 a National Level Online Project Competition

{"Period":{"startDate":"2022-05-28","endDate":null},"Location":{"title":" Saturday","latlong":[]},"Amount":{"currency":"INR","amount":"0"}} , Saturday

Industry Guest session on “DJango Framework ”

{"Period":{"startDate":"2022-04-28","endDate":""},"Location":{"title":"Thursday","latlong":[]},"Amount":{"currency":"INR","amount":"0"}} , Thursday


{"Period":{"startDate":"2022-05-07","endDate":null},"Location":{"title":"Saturday","latlong":[]},"Amount":{"currency":"INR","amount":"0"}} , Saturday


“ASPIRE 2021 a National Level Online Project Competition

{"Period":{"startDate":"2021-06-05","endDate":"2021-06-06"},"Location":{"title":"Saturday and Sunday","latlong":[]},"Amount":{"currency":"INR","amount":"0"}} , - , Saturday and Sunday

Felicitation of guest by respected HOD of Mechanical Prof. Dr. S. Y. Bhosale Sir

Industry Guest session on “Introduction to IOT and its applications”

{"Period":{"startDate":"2021-06-01","endDate":""},"Location":{"title":"Tuesday","latlong":[]},"Amount":{"currency":"INR","amount":"0"}} , Tuesday

Industry Guest session on “Jmeter-a testing tool”

{"Period":{"startDate":"2021-05-15","endDate":""},"Location":{"title":"Saturday","latlong":[]},"Amount":{"currency":"INR","amount":"0"}} , Saturday

Industry Guest session on “Machine Learning and Deep Learning using Python”

{"Period":{"startDate":"2020-11-27","endDate":""},"Location":{"title":" Friday","latlong":[]},"Amount":{"currency":"INR","amount":"0"}} , Friday

Industry Guest session on “Tableau-Business Intelligence Tool”

{"Period":{"startDate":"2020-11-26","endDate":""},"Location":{"title":"Thursday","latlong":[]},"Amount":{"currency":"INR","amount":"0"}} , Thursday

Industry Guest session on “You 3.0 A Powerful Strategy to Achieve Professional Goals with Self-discovery”

{"Period":{"startDate":"2020-11-06","endDate":""},"Location":{"title":"Friday","latlong":[]},"Amount":{"currency":"INR","amount":"0"}} , Friday


“ASPIRE 2020 a National Level Online Project Competition

{"Period":{"startDate":"2020-06-20","endDate":"2020-06-22"},"Location":{"title":"Saturday to Monday","latlong":[]},"Amount":{"currency":"INR","amount":"0"}} , - , Saturday to Monday

“Digital Literacy”

{"Period":{"startDate":"2021-01-20","endDate":""},"Location":{"title":"Monday","latlong":[]},"Amount":{"currency":"INR","amount":"0"}} , Monday

Industry Guest session on “AI is Boon or Curse”

{"Period":{"startDate":"2021-01-20","endDate":""},"Location":{"title":"Monday","latlong":[]},"Amount":{"currency":"INR","amount":"0"}} , Monday


Three Day Workshop on Core Java

{"Period":{"startDate":"2017-01-30","endDate":"2019-02-01"},"Location":{"title":" Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday","latlong":[]},"Amount":{"currency":"INR","amount":"0"}} , - , Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday

Industry Guest session “Project Selection to Completion”

{"Period":{"startDate":"2017-01-30","endDate":"2017-02-01"},"Location":{"title":"Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday","latlong":[]},"Amount":{"currency":"INR","amount":"0"}} , - , Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday

Industry Guest session “Seminar on Undoing Lord Macaulay”

{"Period":{"startDate":"2016-09-01","endDate":""},"Location":{"title":" Thursday","latlong":[]},"Amount":{"currency":"INR","amount":"0"}} , Thursday
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