The GraphiX club is an initiative take by PES’s MODERN COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, to incorporate students from all departments to develop a common platform for development in computer graphics & Animation. In this club students are able to be trained and widen new ideas with different tools and platforms.This club is inaugurated by Prof.Nilesh Uke(Professor,PCCOE)& Mrs.S.D.Deshpande ,IT Head on Wednesday,11/01/2017 in presence of all students and faculty members.This club will introduce students to the world of computer Graphics to create magic. This club consists of students who are interested in the creation of new & excellent ideas through the use of OpenGL.The activities of this club will form the base and open doors to the field of multimedia & game development.
• Tointroduce students to the world of computer Graphics.
• To form the base and open the doors to the field of multimedia & game development.
• To encourage students to develop their programming skills through complex coding.
• Our goal is to bring students together who have common interest in computer grphics & animation.
• To organize activities that enable students to learn different graphics related tools
Staff Cordinator: Ms.Poonam Rakibe.
Student coordinator:Ms.Mrunal Chaudhari