Patent Details
Sr. No. | Name | Tittle | Patent No. | Date |
1 | Prof. Dr. Mrs. S. A. Itkar | TITLE: System for Depression Level Analysis Using Audio Visual Modality | 202221053461A | Sep-22 |
2 | Prof. Dr. Mr. S. N. Deshpande | TITLE: Development of IoT Middleware Broker Communication Architecture for Industrial Automation with Focus on Future Pandemic Possibilities | 202321000034A | Jan-23 |
Copyrights Details
Sr. No. | Name | Tittle | Dairy No. | Date |
1. | Prof. Dr. Mrs. S. A. Itkar | Diagnosis of Pulmonary Diseases From Chest X-Ray Using Deep Leaning Approaches | 21137/2022-CO/L | May-23 |
2. | Dr. Bhagwan D. Phulpagar | Covid-19 Protocol Detection System Using Deep Learning | 20462/2022-CO/L | May-23 |